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ISB Nomenclature

ISB Glossary

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Term Main definition

Launch the file selection dialog.

Hits - 1006
Synonyms - Ref
Reference Genome Map

A map that displays a genome sequence that can be referenced from the main feature map.

Hits - 158
Synonyms - Reference Map Linear Genome Map Multiple Genome Viewer MGV
Regular Expression

A method of expressing multiple character strings as one character string. In IMC some proprietary expressions are used.

Hits - 1434
Synonyms - regular expression
Reverse Selected

Operation button to reverse the current selected state. That is uncheck the check box being checked and check the unchecked check box.

Hits - 974

rRNA prediction software

Hits - 1565

SureServer for SAKURA(EV) EN

Corresponding Trial License

You can check operation by trial license before purchase