in silico biology's

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If you made a mistake by making an order...

If you made a mistake by making an order, we will correspond as follows. I made many orders and settlement by mistaking the number. We will refund the amount after subtracting the refund fee from the order price of too much quantity. I ordered and settled the same items as the items I already purchased in duplicate. We will refund the amount after deducting the refund fee from the order charge of the overlap. I ordered and settled another item. If there is a difference with the price of the product that you originally wanted to order, we will make an additional payment or refund. In the case of additional payment, we will send you a separate invoice for payment, so please settlement by the payment date stated on the invoice. The refund is the amount of money minus the refund fee from the difference, so this will not be refunded if it becomes negative. Please also see below.