in silico biology's

Official Web Site

How to Compare Products

A comparison table of detailed specifications of any of software products can be displayed.


  1. Click the product you want to compare from "eShop in silico Product List" etc.
  2. The detail page of the clicked product is displayed. Click Add to Compare List.
  3. A pop-up "Product has been added to the comparison list" is displayed.
  4. Close the popup.
  5. Similarly, add another comparable product.
  6. If you are not logged in, click "Temporary Menu for Guests"-> "Show Product Comparison List".
  7. While the user is logged in, click "Menu for Members"-> "View My Product Comparison List".
  8. A comparison list of the selected products is displayed.
  9. If you want to exclude part of the selected product, click "Delete" at the bottom of the list.